Sailing and Windsurfing

Double your donation: donor matchfunded £500

£3,040 has been raised from 78 donors.

For 2024 we are raising money to refurbish and move towards updating our fleet of firefly dinghies, which the majority of sailing at York happens in.

At 20 years old they are rapidly becoming life-expired and a newer updated fleet will allow sailing, particularly team racing, to continue at York for another 20 years. Any donation you are able to make towards this goal will be much appreciated.

Our Story

YUSWC exists to provide sailing and windsurfing opportunities for York students. The club's fleet of 6 fireflies are critical to this offering, allowing us to teach basic sailing skills to those with less sailing experience and practice and enhance our team racing ability which our teams then take with them to their competitions around the country.

This year has been a fantastic year for our race team with top 6’s at 3 national events and, for the first time in 4 years!!, a play-offs spot secured. This is a fantastic improvement for the whole squad - with three times and many wins at bucs as in 2023 and almost 50% more people involved in the race team.

B and R have been using the fireflies to the maximum too, and for the first time this year we ran an accredited RYA course by ourselves, allowing 12 complete beginners to get a nationally recognised qualification for the fraction of the price it would normally cost.

To keep up this trajectory of improvement and development, for both sections of the dingy section of the club, we need to update our fireflies, and your donations, large and small, will go a long way towards that goal.

Where will the money go?

Any money raised will go towards maintaining and then towards buying a newer fleet of updated fireflies.

£900 pounds will enable us to purchase an additional old, but very good condition, firefly which will enable us to increase the number of people we are able to get out on the water on a day.

£2000 will enable us to purchase new mainsails for the whole fleet. This will vastly improve the way the boats sail, as the current sails are old and almost life expired - some of them even have some holes in them!

If we raise £3000 we will be able to buy both mainsails and new jibs for the whole fleet, which will further improve the boats and enable them to last until we are able to purchase a new fleet. The new sails will then be able to be used on that fleet so the purchase of these sails will benefit many years of York students.

Why is this so important?

Improving the clubs fireflies will enable sailing at York to continue to flourish, enabling as many students as possible to race and learn to sail as possible. Without large amounts of fundraising the fleet will rapidly become unsailable and unsafe. This will deny many future years of University of York students the opportunity to sail.

Updating the club's fireflies will also improve their availability and the amount of time they are out of action, meaning more people will be able to get out on the water and our race team will be able to do proper 3vs3 training sessions.

The Challenges

Our headline event for challenge week is a Sunrise to Sunset 12 hour sail. Students and alumni will be sailing in groups of 6 to 8 in the clubs beloved fireflies in a unique event which hasn’t been attempted by a university team for we think 5 years!

We will also be doing a “say yes day” where anyone that challenges an activity in the comment under a donation a committee member will do that comment. Please just send a message to us, either by email or instagram, just to make sure we don’t miss any!

We’ll also be doing a ‘hiking challenge’, seeing which club member can hike out of the side of a replica boat the longest.

In addition we’ll be taking part in the whole challenge week running event, in whatever form it takes.

Find us here

We’ll be documenting all our challenges and progress on social media.

Find us on instagram: @yorksaili

On ticktock: yuswc

Or visit our website:

Help us succeed!

Any donations large or small, as much as you are able, will enable us to future proof sailing at York, enabling future years of students access to the fantastic sport that is sailing.

Your donation could also help us unlock challenge week funding, helping us to reach our goal faster.

If you're supporting an individual sailor why not put a message on your donation shouting them out!

Whether or not you’re able to donate please spread the word by reposing our social media onto your’s and there’s no better way to help do that than by signing up to be an ambassador.

Spread the word

6 months, 3 weeks ago
Rebekka Thomas donated £60.00
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Harry G donated £60.00
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Natasha Green donated
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Harriet Jones donated £60.00
6 months, 3 weeks ago
An anonymous user donated £15.00
6 months, 4 weeks ago
Blair Davies donated

Sailing and Windsurfing Challenges


    Sailing and Windsurfing 50 Donor Challenge

When your club reaches 50 donors you will unlock £100.

78 donors
  • Sailing and Windsurfing 100 Donor Challenge

When your club reaches 100 donors you will unlock £100.

78 donors

    Sailing and Windsurfing Family and Friend Challenge

When your club reaches 25 Friends and Family donors, you will unlock £100.

41 donors